
Dear You,

i want to climb the highest mountain
i want to swim across seven seas
i want to run through the jungle
i want to walk between skyscrapers
i want to see the world and see its magic
i want to be the name that they call when they announce the winner of "woman of the year" award

but, in the end of the day, all i want is someone to ask, "how was yor day?" and really care to hear the answer.

thank you. for loving me.


Fika said...

adiiiss cocok bener dah jadi wartawan. gw ntah knp paling ga bisa nulis macem2 di blog. makanya lbh suka pajang foto2 aja. hahaha. gmn kerjaan ditempat baru?enakan mana ama di tempo?hehehe

Adisti Dini Indreswari said...

nah masalahnya gue ga punya foto yang keren buat dipajang, bwahaha..

so far so good. tapi kadang kangen tempo. :'(

dEa.dEa.dEa said...

long time no see...

ternyata pindah blog toh? hehe..

Adisti Dini Indreswari said...

hai deaaaa

enggak kok.. :)

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