
What I've Been Craving For Lately...

Girls (and boys, perhaps), please try this at home. Trust me, it's SUPER fun! And it's even much better than p o l y v o r e! You can pick your own model and set, and there are looots of oh-so-adorable outfits to pick!

Proudly present, my debut as fashion stylish...

Oh, how fun it would be, to work in a fashion magazine? Hey, Editor in Chief of Cosmopolitan or Harper's Bazaar or Elle, hire me, pleeeaaaseee? ^^
(Confession of a desperate jobseeker)


- said...

kewwwreeen dis!^^

cassia vera said...

wa...kesampean kan dis? congrats to youuuu :p nanti ketemu melur dong ya di sana..

Adisti Dini Indreswari said...

huaaa.. makasih mbak danti! aku ga kenal sih tapi suka baca blognya, dia salah satu orang yang menginspirasi aku tuh.. tapi ga tau nih bakal ketemu dia atau ga, soalnya aku magang dulu 3 bulan, belum tau job descnya apa..

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